The IARC Scientific Publications aim to disseminate the results of IARC-coordinated scientific research. Topics span the range of IARC’s research scope, and the series includes the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents volumes.
Edited by Berrington de González A, Richardson DB, Schubauer-Berigan MK
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Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO
Edited by Bray F, Colombet M, Aitken JF, Bardot A, Eser S, Galceran J, Hagenimana M, Matsuda T, Mery L, Piñeros M, Soerjomataram I, de Vries E, Wiggins C, Won YJ, Znaor A and Ferlay J
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Edited by Bray F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Zanetti R, Ferlay J
Please check the accompanying Corrigenda document for important information.
Edited by Vaccarella S, Lortet-Tieulent J, Saracci R, Conway DI, Straif K, Wild CP
Edited by Baan RA, Stewart BW, Straif K
Edited by Parkin DM, Ferlay J, Jemal A, Borok M, Manraj SS, N'da GG, Ogunbiyi FJ, Liu B, Bray F
Edited by Forman D, Bray F, Brewster DH, Gombe Mbalawa C, Kohler B, Piñeros M, Steliarova-Foucher E, Swaminathan R, Ferlay J
Edited by Straif K, Cohen A, Samet J
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Edited by Pitt JI, Wild CP, Baan RA, Gelderblom WCA, Miller JD, Riley RT, Wu F
Edited by Rothman N, Hainaut P, Schulte P, Smith M, Boffetta P, Perera F
Edited by Sankaranarayanan R, Swaminathan R, Lucas E
Edited by Boyle P, Smans M
Edited by Curado MP, Edwards B, Shin HR, Storm H, Ferlay J, Heanue M, Boyle P
Edited by Buffler P, Rice JM, Baan R, Bird M, Boffetta P
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Edited by Parkin DM, Ferlay J, Hamdi-Chérif M, Sitas F, Thomas JO, Wabinga H, Whelan SL
Edited by Riboli E, Lambert R
Edited by Parkin DM, Whelan SL, Ferlay J, Teppo L, Thomas DB
Edited by Miller AB, Bartsch H, Boffetta P, Dragsted L, Vainio H
Edited by Berrino F, Capocaccia R, Estève J, Gatta G, Hakulinen T, Micheli A, Sant M, Verdecchia A